What I Want to Contribute

29 Aug 2023

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.

Of the eight billion humans that live on the Earth, every one of us wants to leave something behind for future generations, something to remember us by. This something is the key to being alive, something that transcends even death, because as I see it, people like Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Issac Newton, and other famous people from history will forever live on, as they have left something behind for future generations. They will forever be remembered by the people, as they have contributed to society with a creation, something that helped us solve a problem, or something that makes our lives easier and efficient.

My Drive to Contribute

My motivation going into the computer science and software field was to be eventually be able to help people solve problems with technology. I want to be able to create software to help make people’s lives easier, to help them solve problems. I want to build, innovate, and share these creations with the rest of the world, as I believe that technology will be the key in solving most of the problems not only happening currently, but also in the future. To be able to contribute, and use my knowledge and skills to help other people is what I want to do to leave my legacy, my “creation” behind.

Taking a step back

With that being said, currently, I don’t have any of those skills or knowledge, or even ability to develop anything that can help anyone. But isn’t that the whole reason for taking this course and studying computer science in the first place? I want to learn those skills, I want to acquire those knowledge, and improve my ability to help others. I want to eventually be able to build software and applications that help make people’s lives more easier, as well as to be able to give them the tools to help themselves solve problems.